NRHP maintains a register of hypno-psychotherapists and psychotherapists with the aim of promoting the skilled use of of psychotherapy by properly trained and regulated practitioners.
Find a hypno-psychotherapist in your area
You can be assured that the hypno-psychotherapists on the NRHP register have the skills and experience to help you. All hypno-psychotherapists on the register are regulated to ensure that they have the appropriate training and experience to practise and offer you a professional service.
See the Find a Therapist page for a list of hypno-psychotherapists & psychotherapists practising in your area.
Benefits of membership for hypno-psychotherapists & psychotherapists
All hypno-psychotherapists on our register have been accepted as member of NRHP. The benefit of membership include:
- Advertising the service you offer on our website;
- Networking with your peers across the UK and abroad;
- Discounted professional indemnity insurance;
- Facilitated supervision and peer supervision;
- Access to courses for continuous professional development.
NRHP is independent of training organisations and offers a range of routes to membership according to your training and experience. We also offer different levels of membership to suit hypno-psychotherapists at different stages in their professional journey.
See the Join Us page for full details of membership and how to apply.